Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Win $500 (US Dollars) Cash! Open to people in all countries!

 Use the Rafflecopter form HERE to enter this contest and stand a chance to win $500.00!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Win a $130 Paypal Cash from The Penny Hoarder!

Win an Envelope of Cash from ThePennyHoarder! Love this website!!! They always have wonderful wacky ideas on How to Make Money. They do all the work searching and exploring different places and ideas and all you have to do is read. Love it! Right now, they are having a rafflecopter contest to win $130 in paypal cash and you can get there by entering from my sidebar! Good Luck!


Whats on your Bucket List!

I am trying to win “the $500 Good Financial Cents giveaway, sponsored by Life Insurance Finder – the easiest place to compare life insurance quotes” Below you will see "What's on my Bucket List"  Below. I am planning on getting these done too!

1. I am going to Travel the Islands, all the Islands. I would love to travel the Islands and spend 1 to 2 weeks on each one. I want to relax on the white sand and sip Pina Coloda's while basking in the sun.

2. I am going to Own my own a house on the Lake. I might not feel the need to travel all the Islands with a house on the lake. Just to wake up to the glimmering sun on the water each morning is a dream of mine. Love the water.

3. I am going to Swim with the Dolphins one more time. I actually got to do this once and it felt like heaven. I would love to do it again in this life time.

4. I am going to Own a new Honda Accord. Nice cars and one day I would love to own one (free and clear, no lien) before I leave this beautiful planet.

5. I am going to Spend a Month or 2 on a trip with my kids site seeing the USA. There is so much to see in the United States and I have only touched the tip of the iceberg and there is no other people that I would love to do it with than my kids and my mom.

If you would like to win $500 cash, go here and enter to win! Life Insurance Finder, an Australian website that helps people compare life insurance policies and they’re offering to give $500 to one lucky person.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Win $120 in CASH!

 Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter this contest and stand a chance to 
win $120 cash:

Friday, March 2, 2012

2012 Spring Fashionista Event, March 2-7 Presents PAULINA CARCACH HANDBAGS!

SPRING Fashionista Events Giveaway 
Welcome to the semi-annual Fashionista Events, ALL FASHION, ONLY FASHION, Giveaway Event. This is the Largest Fashion giveaway event on the internet, with 105+ blogs offering over $20,000 in prizes, hosted by Still Blonde after all these YEARS with co-hosts The Socialites Closet and Modly Chic

So begin here with PAULINA CARCACH and design your own Handbag right here ($169.00 Val) and when your done, move on to all the other great giveaways going on and just have FUN! Just follow the linky below the rafflecopter!

The Handbag that I designed and the leather smells so good!
I have to admit, I am a Handbag Addict and I could not think of a better product than a GORGEOUS New Handbag for the Spring Fashionista Event! I love handbags. They are like an expression of thy self. I have a few and love changing them with the season, day or outfit. I came across PAULINA CARCACH website and fell in love.