Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year from me to you! Start 2012 with a New Handbag from Chocolate Handbags! Worldwide!

Chocolate Handbags of New York 
“Wear Your Addiction in 2012” 

I received this gorgeous bag for review. (Handbag 55752) This bag has lots of room inside, including two zippered compartments and two slots that can easily fit something such as my cell phone, iPod, keys, etc. One great feature is that the bag is made from PVC and will be very easy to keep clean with just a damp cloth, got to love that. The bag is very well made inside and out and has a beautiful brown lining with the Chocolate logo name inside. I love the color, (my favorite), purple. In honor of the New Year and all of my wonderful readers, I am giving it away to one very lucky reader and it is open WORLDWIDE. It is brand new and never used so if it sounds like a bag you will use, please enter below!

Chocolate New York is the perfect brand for women who enjoy fashion in a beautiful way.

I received this gorgeous bag for review. (Handbag 55752) This bag has lots of room inside, including two zippered compartments and two slots that can easily fit something such as my cell phone, iPod, keys, etc. One great feature is that the bag is made from PVC and will be very easy to keep clean with just a damp cloth, got to love that. The bag is very well made inside and out and has a beautiful brown lining with the Chocolate logo name inside. I love the color, (my favorite), purple.

-Measurements: L 14'', H 9.5'', D 5'', SD 4''
-Material: 100% pvc
-Detachable/adjustable crossbody strap
-Zip top closure
-Chocolate printed satin lining
-2 open pockets inside
-1 zip pocket, 1 zip pocket divider
-Back zipper pocket
-Shiny brass hardware

One of my very lucky readers will win this handbag by
Chocolate Handbags of New York 
Handbag 55752 (ARV $99)


a Rafflecopter giveaway


1. mitch1066 said...

Well i finally have some time to devote to myself and my looks,so im learning about makeup,hair and of course fashion lol.Up to now ive been a practical girl with the bare minimum of maintenance.

2. Jennifer L. said...

My goals for the year are to be more frugal and live in a way that's good for the environment and my bank balance.
jentam777 at gmail dot com

3. Mary Preston said...

I want to give back more to others. I had a great 2011 & it's time to pay it forward.


4. Paula L. said...

My main goal is to get in the shape I was in prior to my surgery last June.

jandplee at att dot net

5. Lyudmila said...

I would to end my dissertation
lusizova at

6. Gloria Walshver said...

My goal is to stay healthy and try to lose more weight.

7. Lyudmila said...

lusizova at

8. camp3369 said...

My goal is to lose weight and get along better with my husband

9. camp3369 said...

I subscribe to your email

10. Candie L said...

I want to be smarter with my money. Thank you


11. Lynda said...

My goal for 2012 is to lose weight and make a commitment to health.

12. Lynda said...

Left comment on your Facebook page as Lynda Clark.

13. doreen lamoureux said...

My goal is to continue to make healthy choices and just have fun.

Doreen Riopel on entry form

14. doreen lamoureux said...

dorcontest at gmail dot com

15. Unknown said...

My goal for 2012 is to learn French! I hope so :-)

Thank you for the chance!


16. doreen lamoureux said...

My fb link from your wall!/permalink.php?story_fbid=341139582563047&id=202688603074813

dorcontest at gmail dot com
doreen riopel

17. turq said...

My goal is to be as healthy as I can, which means I need to start walking more & lose some weight,
And to make sure I show my hubby everyday how much I love him.
Donna D
chocho1957 at

18. clenna said...

I am overweight. So I need to lose weight to get my health back in place.

clenna at aol dot com

19. turq said...

following you on Networkedblogs as Donna D...was no where to leave a name on the form so im adding it here.
Donna D
chocho1957 at

20. turq said...

here is the link to the comment I left on FB as Donna D!/permalink.php?story_fbid=341147555895583&id=202688603074813
chocho1957 at

21. Kristin said...

I want to recycle more!!

wowknk at

22. kdkdkd said...

My goal is to start a business and start exercising more

23. Unknown said...

Following you on Networkedblogs!

(oksana vladimirovna)


24. sarah shult said...

I want to work on time management

25. Cathy W said...

My goal is to eat healthier

26. adamsfamily said...

My goal for 2012 is to not worry so much, try to enjoy the little things in life more. Thank you!
Laurie Adams,

27. Holly S. said...

My goals are to get moving more, lose a few pounds and find employment! Thanks!

28. Andrea said...

My goal is to be a better wife and mother than I was this year!

29. Wild N Mild $$$ said...

My goal for 2012 is to quit smoking.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

30. Bernice06 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
31. Bernice06 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
32. Bernice06 said...

My goal is to lose weight and to get the kids to cut down on junk food and candies

edit to put my email

33. Bernice06 said...

Follow on Network Blog - Bernice Mckay

34. polly said...

my goal is to lose weight and help my children & their families anyway we can

35. Francesca | A Golden Hour said...

I want to get better at doing my make-up! It's pretty silly I know, but I really want to.

GFC: francivusk
francivusk at hotmail dot it

36. shana said...

I want to spend more time doing my family history. I used to do it, but life interfered & now I'm about 8 years behind!

nineteen19 at blackfoot dot net

37. ZuZu said...

To improve.
radicansgardenia at gmail dot com

38. Jessi Gonzalez said...

I'd like to get fit. I am a stay at home mom and that is exactly what I do. STAY AT HOME. I want to get out more and get in shape!

39. Nikki Elkins said...

My goal is to succeed in college at the age of 47!!

40. Nikki Elkins said...

ooops email addy

41. Krista said...

I'd like to be healthy in the new year.


42. sohamolina said...

my goal is for better sleep patterns.

43. Bee W Bedard said...

To continue with my yoga practice
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

44. Bee W Bedard said...

fb link
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

45. Darlene said...

My goal is to be more organized and get things done that should have been done long ago.
darlene(dot)demell(at)sympatico(dot )ca

46. Darlene said...

There was no comment place to leave the link for my Facebook post so am putting it here.
darlene(dot)demell(at)sympatico(dot )ca

47. Darlene said...

Again, no place to put this so adding it here.
Your button is on my blog here
darlene(dot)demell(at)sympatico(dot )ca

48. chichijunk said...

my goal is to stop procrastinating already and also to lose 10 lbs
chichijunk at cs dot com

49. chichijunk said...

following you on network blog as adrienne zedella
(no place to leave name on rafflecopter)
chichijunk at cs dot com

50. Mandi Mella said...

To finish my Bachelors, lose weight, and just be happy with my sweet boy, my son! he is my life!

Mandi Mella

51. Mandi Mella said...

Follow you via GFC


Mandi mella

52. aldelei89 said...

my goal is to have above average grades in all of my courses.. :) and to be more frugal. :)


53. aldelei89 said...

followed you on NetworkedBlogs as Aldelei Lumapas


54. aldelei89 said...

posted on your FB page


55. Unknown said...

My goal is to be healthier. I want to eat better and do more for me.

56. BlackAsphodel said...

One of my goals is to spend more time on my Japanese and Korean language studies.

57. BlackAsphodel said...

There were no fields for these in Rafflecopter. I'm writing the usernames and links here instead:

I follow you on Networked Blogs as Black Asphodel.

Link to my post on your FB Wall:

Blog post link:

58. redfuzzycow said...

my resolution is to lose some weight

59. Ashley H said...

my goal for 2012 is to save more money and start using coupons more! thanks!

60. Trasina said...

My goals include getting in shape! Spending more time with my family and just enjoying life :-)
TrasinaLM at gmail dot com

61. Trasina said...

There is no space in the RC so here is the link to the FB wall post about me entering:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=341855182491487&id=202688603074813

62. TheAuthor said...

I plan to work harder and continue my blogging DREAM~LOL. Less worries and just seize every moment as it comes=)


63. TheAuthor said...

Left a comment on FB Page, here's the link:

Followed in Networked blogs: Jeniffer Gangan

64. TheAuthor said...

Blog entry via Tumblr:


65. Kimberly said...

I want to spend more time with my kids!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

66. Unknown said...

One of my goals is to be better organized.

67. Unknown said...

Networked Blog name Kathy Detweiler

68. CrippleHorse said...

To try and move to another country because it's really hell here, in Greece
And to help the people I love and not loose hope...


69. Jo said...

To be more healthy and sleep earlier!

jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com

70. Unknown said...

Goals for 2012 are to save money so I can visit my son in Flordia, finish the things I started on 2011 around the house and to stick to a diet.
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

71. Lulu said...

To get a better job!

72. Lulu said...

No extra boxes for some tasks:((
Networkedblogs name: Olesia Flegka
Added your button:

73. Robin Quick said...

My goal is to lose weight & get my life back to what it once was!
mnrquick at yahoo dot com

74. Robin Quick said...

No extra info to put this a required so put it here.
Left a comment on FB Page
Robin Quick
mnrquick at yahoo dot com

75. Szappanbubi said...

My goals are to learn baking and cooking more~n~more vegetarian dishes and cakes *-*
and to travel as far as I can not-concerning with money:) I wanna see so many places and cultures :)

porcukorborso at gmail dot com

76. Krista said...

Commented on facebook. No rafflecopter comment box so here is my link!

Krista Ullis

77. Unknown said...

I have no goals and I no longer after all these years make resolutions because I never keep them!

calvert0 at telus dot net

78. Unknown said...

No space for button link!
Have your

calvert0 at telus dot net

79. ginette4 said...

My goals are to make myself important, take better care of myself, lose some weight (about 15lbs)and be happier :)

80. Royce said...

I have new goals for each day....... live today.
thanks for this giveaway

81. Susan said...

My goal is to become a bit more frugal & to lose a few pounds in the new year! Thanks for the giveaway!

82. Olga said...

To eat more healthily!
olgaliki77 at gmail dot com

83. ZuZu said...

fb post ...

84. Unknown said...

Goals for 2012 . . . since I have had such negative experiences in the past with resolutions and diets I have decided to just "BE" in the coming year and let God handle the details for me!

85. Kathy said...

My goals are to focus on getting healthier and more organized.

86. WCA Yash Travel said...

My goal is to lose some weight

87. sarah said...

for me 2012 life is short
live it

88. Yto said...

i want to get healthy and get my bachelor.

89. Unknown said...

My goal is 2012 is to lose at least 50lbs by Christmas =)

90. Mikelynn said...

My goal is to walk regularly for exercise and eat healthy!

91. Stephanie Ann said...

I want to lose weight & actually keep it off!!

92. Hristina L said...

My main goal is to get in the shape ;)

93. Selma said...

I hope this year I will graduate and find some good job & marry =)

94. Anonymous said...

to lose 20 lbs!

95. Anonymous said...

To survive :)

96. Maude Lynn said...

Get my daughter's room organized!

97. jacqgrif said...

My New Years resolution is to pray more. My son is a Navy SEAL and feel that prayer will help us both as well as our family get thru our worries. Thank You so much!

98. Unknown said...

My goal is to learn the ukelele

99. Anonymous said...

My goal is to loose weight and try to appreciate things more in life.

100. binabug said...

I had surgery so my goal is to make sure that by march I am capable of going back ft to work (I need the money) and I am de cluttering the house during the next three months

101. Snow87 said...

My goal is to get a promotion at work

102. Holly said...

Mine is to spend more time with my friends. I work fulltime and just started back to school so I need to spend more time with them to keep my sanity!

103. Celeste said...

My goal for 2012 is to be more intentional. Intentional about taking time to spend with family & friends, taking time to read my Bible daily, etc. -- and not just simply "getting through" the days. To stop and enjoy and make plans!

104. gaby said...

Travel, travel & travel a lot! :-)

105. Bianca J. said...

GFC: Lebi
My goal is to go to germany!

106. Deb said...

My goal is to volunteer more, give more of my free time to help in my community. I used to volunteer a lot but then life just got in the way. I miss it so I plan to do more this year!
Deb Dorrington

107. Biki said...

I want to lose weight and get healthier

chichai_hana at hotmail dot com

108. This Mom And Her 3 Girls! said...

I want to spend more fun time with my girls and to have a healthy baby in June!!!

109. lanai said...

My goal is to raise my baby girl and give her all the best I can!!

110. Damla said...

My goal is to release an EP album with my band this year.

111. zielonookapaula said...

My goal is to be more patient and better for my family and to lose weight.
Thank you:)

112. May Shum said...

My goal is to stay on track with everything - organized and fit!

113. Ciara said...

My goals are to be healthy, Take better care of my skin, Work more on my art work etc. & stay organised!

114. Rachel Runyan said...

My goal is to eat healthier this year.
rrswag (at) gmail (dot) com

115. Shelley Paige said...

I love these giveaways! Thank you for keeping us posted on all the fun stuff out there! Gorgeous bag!!

116. Nancy said...

My goal is to exercise more regularly!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

117. Missy L said...

My goals are to get our house and lives more organized, to make better breakfast choices for our family, and to set aside more genuine quality time with my children.

118. kellyr78 said...

My goals are to walk more and lose weight.

119. The Smiles She Wears said...

Be able to do normal child birth delivery with our first child and then lose weight..


120. Dovile said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
121. Dovile said...

To buy more stuff that I need and read more books.

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

122. CaribbeanCutie said...

I need to pay more attention to my studies.

k_ rampersad03 at hotmail dot com

123. alexandra k said...

To continue to eat healthy and tell the people i care about that i love and appreciate them!

124. Julia Pozd said...

As for me, I just want to finish school successfully this year.
Thanks for giveaway)

125. Donna said...

My 2012 goals are to get in shape and remember to smile more :)

126. Michelle Frame said...

To complete more sewing projects and to get healthy.

127. Donna said...

Your button on my blog

128. ♥byAnja said...

my main goal is to find job this year

129. tamarav87 said...

My goals are:
- more selfconfident
- a blog that is progressing
- and a new best friend

130. Nicole Yontz said...

My goal in 2012 is to take regular showers. I have a toddler so you know how much of a feat this will be. :)

131. Ledford Land said...

My goal is to get in better shape and be more green!

132. Svetlana Ovdienko said...

My goal is to start a business.

133. Alta Infante said...

My one and only goal for this year is to have a job. ;)

134. CathyH said...

Goal is to get back to music composing

135. doreen lamoureux said...

Sorry, my last tweet for on the form for jan22 did not take. sorry about that.

doreen riopel

136. Coco said...

To find a job , only thet!!

:) :)

137. TheAuthor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
138. an ika said...

goals 2012 - to be better organized

139. Perk11 said...

My goal for 2012 is to spend more time with my family and to reconnect with my spirituality.

140. Deb K said...

My goal is to walk more!


141. Rebecca said...

My goals are to read my Bible more and to be better at meal planning!
rebatink at gmail dot com

142. Deb Anderson said...

Get fit and lose weight
tnshadylady at

143. Angie Bailey said...

My goal for 2012 is to get my health under control (cholesterol, thyroid, weight). ~ Angie Bailey

144. Alessia said...

My goals: graduate and be more positive! :)
alelale at

145. lmurley2000 said...

i want to quit smoking

146. Tammy Dalley said...

I want to eat healthier and try and lose 20 lbs.
dalleykt at live dot ca

147. whidone said...

in 2012, figure out the Internets!

148. Penny Kathleen said...

Get my family healthier and get my home organized.