Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Good News! Jadience Jade Stress-Relieving & Detoxifying Herbal Neck Pillow Review and Giveaway!

Review and Giveaway!
Woo La La!

Throughout the centuries Jade has been known for its power to detoxify and strengthen your mind, body & spirit.

Jadience's traditional East Asian therapeutic neck pillows are handcrafted and formulated with jade powder, lavender and all natural herbs, seeds and grains to relieve stress and tension. The unique blend of jade powder combined with our special formulation of herbal grains stimulates acupressure points on the neck to strengthen chi (energy), increase circulation and promote detoxification.

Experience the powerful properties of jade as you discover one of the oldest East Asian secrets of detoxification, beauty and relaxation.

Ingredients: Herbal Grains, Flax Seed, Jade Powder and Lavender
About the Pillow: The pillow is filled with  jade powder, lavender and all natural herbs, seeds and grains to relieve stress and tension. It stimulates acupressure points on the neck to strengthen chi (energy), increase circulation and promote detoxification. This is one of the oldest East Asian secrets of detoxification, beauty and relaxation.

I was so blessed as to receive this pillow for a review. I heated it up in the microwave for 60 seconds, it was nice and hot and I laid down with my neck on the pillow and breathed in the Jade and Lavender. It was extremely relaxing! The aroma is simply wonderful. The pillow is the perfect shape for my neck. It stayed warm for 15 minutes which was 15 minutes of blissful relaxation. It was really really wonderful! This will be my new ritual every night before I go to bed. LOVED IT!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Grateful Body Midnight Oil and the NEW Liquid Moisturizer! 3 WINNERS!

Grateful Body Complete Skin Care Products

Review and Giveaway! 3 Winners! ($52.00 Val)
Open to the US and Canada

Have you ever really found a skin care product that you really loved? Have you ever found a skin care product that really worked? Not only have I found one that I LOVE, really works but it is my very favorite Skin Care product out there and that is Grateful Body.

Again, Grateful Body is going to offer three of my very wonderful readers with the New Aquative Liquid Moisturizer and the Midnight Oil. {$52.00 Value} How "Grate (great) " is that? Thank you so very much to Grateful Body!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good News! Nice Giveaways I want to share!

Good News! Really Nice Giveaways going on!

EnvyDerm Growth Liquid Eyeliner & Mascara rt$72

Jadience Slimming Patch & Slimming Formula rt$53

Choice of Hello! Skinny Jeans Style, Size & Inseam rt$149-225

Good News! Mom Life, Like for a Cause!

Good News! I love sharing good news and it doesn't get any better than this. It doesn't cost you a dime and it is a great donation for simply pushing a button. There are so many times when I want to donate for a good cause and I don't have the money at the time to do it. To me, this is so exciting and so I wanted to share it with all my readers.

Please like Mom Life on Facebook (Right now $1 is being donated to the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) for each “like” to the Mom Life page until September 9, 2011 or until the total amount reaches $10,000!). How great is that and what a simple a thing to do to help Challenged Athletes.

About Jen and Barb: Real life from real moms

Jen and Barb Mom Life creates a forum for women to share their thoughts about how becoming a mom changes you as a woman. Each episode features life in the trenches of motherhood with a funny take on the Mommy Life from two real moms who riff on everything from career to husbands to disciplining kids, along with straight on camera discussion of the daily issues, challenges, and joys of motherhood. Real life from real moms.

Website: Jen and Barb, Mom Life
Twitter:  @momlife
Facebook: Mom Life

Thank you Jen and Barb! 

Liz Claiborne Inc.'s teen dating violence prevention, "Love Is Not Abuse"

This was past on to me from Mom Central and I thought it was something worth sharing and passing on to my readers. I have to say, I was lucky enough not to have experienced this situation with my kids, thank god, but this article has made me aware and I hope it sheds some light on a very disturbing situation. I really hope it brings help to someone who might be experiencing such a horrible event in their life.

Many parents feel confident that they can spot the signs of dating abuse, but studies have shown that more than half of all parents do not recognize the warning signs. And these days, parents are talking far less to their kids about dating abuse than any other risky behavior like drug or alcohol use.
So to help get the conversation started, Liz Claiborne Inc.'s teen dating violence prevention initiative, Love Is Not Abuse, has launched an iPhone app designed to educate parents on everything they need to know about teen dating abuse - how to spot the warning signs, get help, and more importantly, start conversations with their children about dating before abuse can even begin - all in one easily accessible tool.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grateful Body review and giveaway! 3 WINNERS!

Grateful Body Complete Skin Care Products
Review and Giveaway! 3 Winners! ($52.00 Val)
Open to the US and Canada

Have you ever really found a skin care product that you really loved? Have you ever found a skin care product that really worked? Not only have I found one that I LOVE and it really works too but it is my very favorite Skin Care product out there and that is Grateful Body.

Good News! Hummingbirds do talk!

Hummingbirds do talk and I'll tell you how I know. I have a hummingbird feeder that I put out at the beginning of summer. Have not seen one hummingbird all summer long. Because of that, I have not filled the feeder for a couple of months now. Actually, I thought it leaked because it kept getting lower in water so I just didn't fill it. No hummingbirds, leaky feeder, no reason to fill it.
 This morning I went out and was sitting at the patio table, not quite awake and drinking my coffee and from the left side of my preferential vision, I caught this object coming in. All of a sudden, low and behold, not 3 to 4 feet in front of my eyes, hovered a hummingbird. It came in as fast as a whip, hovered in front of me (just staring at me) for at least 45 seconds or so and then just that fast, flew off to my right. NOW, after being in total shock at what I just saw, the message was very clear.
What this little guy wants me to pass on I know for sure is this, although you don't see  us hovering around the hummingbird feeder, make sure you keep our food filled. What a beautiful morning!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Good News! Prescription drug cost and some valuable information.

Good News! Prescription drug cost and some valuable information. Remember this?

A prescription at Meijers Pharmacy WITHOUT INSURANCE, is $247.00 (GENERIC) and the same prescription at SAVE MORE drugs is $75.00(GENERIC). Gee, I wonder what is driving the cost of HEALTH INSURANCE up? My daughter no longer has health insurance and she has an immune disorder and has to take Cellcept or she will get really sick. She has already lost her vision in her right eye and needs to take her medicine. I called Meijer Pharmacy to fill her prescription and without insurance and the cost would of been $247.00 for one month. I was floored. I took the bottle to SAVE MORE pharmacy and they said for me to fill it there, $75.00. I AM BLOWN AWAY and BESIDE MYSELF! Why does a prescription at Meijers cost more than TRIPLE the amount it would cost to fill at a pharmacy that is 1/8 it's size??????? Something is really wrong with this picture. Please leave a comment if you have some kind of logical response to this post because my logical brain just cannot process this. I really need it. Maybe Mr. Meijer's has an answer?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back to School-Uprinting 250 Customized Labels Giveaway!


NOW CLOSED! Back to School made easy with 

Uprinting 250 Customized Labels 


Enter to win 250 Custom Labels from  
Congratulations to Trish!

12. trishden said... Like Blogging GoodNews on Facebook. Thanks! Trish

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ends 9/10

The Heavenly Acupressure Mat Review and Giveaway!

For over 30 years acupressure mats have been by those suffering numerous ailments, and who wish to restore balance in their bodies.  By targeting pressure points in the body, acupressure mats trigger the release of endorphins and oxytocin – which in turn can help the body by relieving pain and stress.  The top reasons for using an acupressure mat are pain relief, stress relief, increased energy levels, and relaxation

Heavenly Acupressure Mats are an easy and affordable way for you to enjoy the benefits of acupressure in the comfort of your own home.